Sunday, April 26, 2009

New Videos by King Kruk

I am preparing for several contests in June and have been filming my performances whenever I can which is difficult. It is difficult as my wife must do the filming and we have three kids who don't always understand the concept of being quiet. I have supreme faith that anyone who sees my show will agree they are extremely entertaining. That said please watch the videos and let me know what you think.
http:// photos and information.

Check the Gigmasters site for new movies every week or so. Its free and it will cheer you up,
with love
King Kruk

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Buddhist Elvis- King Kruk

I was graciously asked to sing for the World Peace and Prayer meeting at the SGI Buddhist meeting in San Marcos California, with the exception of the shoddy p.a. system I think it went over quite well. The fantastic thing about SGI Buddhism is that it is so forward thinking to see the strange and mighty power of Elvis to move people and also see that laughter is the best medicine and a very powerful tool of peace.