Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Strength and Mighty Power of Elvis Voice

I suppose to many becoming someone else for a living may seem weird. Yet to me its no different than say kissing your boss' buttocks when you would rather tell them what an idiot they are.We are different people to adapt to different situations. I would like to try to answer the why and I think the answer lies in the talent of the man himself. I think after listening to Elvis sing thousands of times gives you a true appreciation to the vocal mastery of Elvis. Sure their are recordings where his voice falters a little but they are almost always followed by transcendent beauty.
I urge everyone to watch That's The Way It Is for starters. It is Elvis in his true prime slim beautiful and fired up. Watch the way he controls his voice and uses it to speak directly to your soul. Elvis is able to reach out to you and only you it seems and find where your emotions live and speak directly to the true inner you. Few singers possess this and even fewer possess this with the beautiful tone of Elvis voice. Tom Waits can reach you but not with the beauty but with the reality of his voice.

I ask anyone to listen to a few songs that you may not have heard if you are not an Elvis fan. The song I am being taken away by right now or songs rather
"Just Pretend" "He'll Have to Go" "I just Can't Help Believing" How is it in every instance and although the songs are about different themes we believe Elvis as genuine on all of them. Its not just him "selling" the song its him making the song part of him and giving that part to the audience. His power is awesome his control perfect like a master craftsman the songs never get old and there are mines of richness to be found after even your hundredth or thousandth listen.

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